The Kassandra Gazette — Mid-June Madness! #2

Kassandra Foundation
2 min readJun 16, 2022


This is the TriCrypto post. Hot off the presses and straight to your mailbox.

Hello and welcome, everyone. This is the Biweekly Kassandra Report!

With everything thats been going on behind the curtains, we’ve felt that our community deserves to be updated on the “smaller stuff” side of things. So, without further ado, lets get into it:

The TriCrypto Saga

You wouldn’t guess this by looking from the outside, but the TriCrypto launch was one of our biggest challenges thus far. Let me give you a simplified list of the troubles we had thus far:

  • Our subgraph broke down, and every time we tried adjusting it we needed two whole days to see if the changes fixed the issue. This is because we needed to index all blocks in Avalanche since Kassandra’s inception, and that takes a looooong time.
  • Since YieldYak converts our wETH, wBTC and others into their “YRT” token variations, our indexer wasn’t able to convert those values back to the original tokens, thus we were unable to track prices on our page.
  • YieldYak has no testnet, so we had to test everything on the mainnet (thus, taking longer due to the sheer amount of blocks and extra interactions it brings.)

Thankfully, we managed to fix everything on time for our Q2 roadmap. Better yet, we’re launching our Governance features in the next few weeks, so you better stack up those $KACYs for those sweet votes!

On other news, we’ve also had our second ever KassandraKraft event! As we build out our ranks, those will play an important part on how our community interacts and bands together to decide the way forward in our protocol.

Here is a list of other things we’ve been building these past few weeks:

  • Governance features
  • Investor profiles
  • A new onboarding experience for our users
  • New home page (ALPHA)
  • New comms plan

Notable Memes

The longing…

That concludes our first Biweekly June update! Doubts? Questions? Just reach out on our Telegram/Discord/Twitter!

About Kassandra

Kassandra is an audacious project to delegate money management in a decentralized, efficient, and customizable way, working as a marketplace for tokenized and data-driven investment strategies.

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Kassandra Foundation

The decentralized autonomous organization that governs tokenized data-driven investment funds