Kassandra Gazette #9, The Long Overdue One.
The one with run-of-the-mill protocol developments teasing big news that we can’t reveal yet.
Lo and behold, we’re back alive in this medium!
After a little bit of spring cleaning, members of our team moving halfway across the world (Hello, Tokyo!) and exciting new partnerships being worked on the background, things are back in order and fully operational once more!
So, as usual, I’ll let you know what you’re about to get into:
- New Pangolin and 1inch integration
- More marketing and analysis team members
- First steps towards the big multichain update
Cool? Cool. Now let’s get it on before i have to Send in the clowns.
First, the fund of the hour: aHYPE!
We’ve got amazing new members that are an outstanding addition to our index, which can now truly be called the most representative Avalanche benchmark to exist! — In order of addition:
- Platypus
- YieldYak
- Vector
It’s been a long, yet fast journey.
We’ve strengthened bonds with other Avalanche protocols, and we’re hoping to keep building with them as aHYPE continues to shift and change!
The Protocol side of things has been working on:
- Integrating 1inch exchange inside Kassandra
- Getting Pangolin swap widget for users to buy KACY
- Building the multichain feature
As you can see, its still a pretty busy quarter with a lot of things going on at once. I can’t talk about it openly yet, but we’re also being aided by a a rather known protocol to emphasize our multichain capabilities… Stay tuned for more info!
Frankly, the most asked for thing in Kassandra has been granted.
We hired a marketing guy! Wooooooooooooooooohooooooooo!
We’re still in the process of integrating this new team member, but we have some growth-oriented news:
- Kevin Voigt, our CEO, did an AMA with Autonolas about crypto ETFs
- Investment manager interviews finalized
- Partnered up with new protocols!
It’s really hard when you can’t give away a lot of info yet, but it’ll be oh-so-worth it when it does come out.
We’ve had overall strong results in october, with our new aHYPE updates driving you people nuts on Twitter!
We’ll keep working on how to better fine-tune our twitter presence, synergizing with the new, shiny marketing guy!
- Fixing known bugs in profile/foundation screen being fixed
- Manager dashboard (Metrics, Create, Token Weights, Add/Remove)
Overall, not much has changed other than what you could already see, but the exciting stuff behind the scenes are adding up, and boy, is the pressure mounting up!
Can’t wait for the big news? Neither can we.
Happy with our work? Sad? Angry? Hungry? Well, we’re all ears in our socials below!
About Kassandra
Kassandra is an audacious project to delegate money management in a decentralized, efficient, and customizable way, working as a marketplace for tokenized and data-driven investment strategies.