Kassandra Gazette #22 — New Pools, New Opportunities, New Profits


Kassandra Foundation
4 min readSep 27, 2023

Hello, Kassandra Community!

We hope this Gazette finds you in perfect harmony, as we have some exciting new tunes to share.

Yes, the times they are a-changin’, and we’re thrilled to be the conductors leading this musical journey into the future of decentralized finance.

Like a band unveiling a new album, we’re ecstatic to introduce our latest features and pools that have been fine-tuned to perfection.

The New Era of Kassandra’s Featured Pools

In the previous weeks, we lifted the curtain on our highly anticipated Featured Pools. Consider these new pools as tracks in our latest album, each offering a unique flavor yet contributing to a cohesive portfolio masterpiece. Here’s a brief look at our latest chart-toppers:

DeFi Blue Chips Pool

Invest smartly in DeFi with this pool, focusing on high-market-cap tokens in Polygon’s robust ecosystem.

Arbitrum Derivatives

Step into the rapidly expanding world of on-chain derivatives with this targeted investment opportunity.

Arbitrum Ecosystem (aECO)

Optimize your investments in Arbitrum with a pool designed to capture the network’s most promising assets.

Polygon Ecosystem (pECO)

Maximize your exposure to Polygon’s top protocols and enjoy the benefits of dynamic portfolio management.

Arbitrum LSDfi

Experience a groundbreaking innovation set to redefine traditional staking systems and maximize your gains.

Your Voice, Our Innovation

We’re always listening, much like a composer welcoming the feedback of their audience. That’s why we’ve introduced a new “mega menu,” designed to provide quick access to Kassandra’s most important features. Your voice matters; if you have suggestions on future design changes or ideas for new pools, don’t hesitate to let us know. We’re in this symphony together, after all.

Minor but Crucial Tweaks 🔧

Every note matters in a composition, and the same goes for our platform. We’ve recently fixed a minor bug affecting the “Activity” component in the pool section. It’s a small change, but one that helps us all enjoy a more harmonious experience.

What’s Brewing in Kassandra’s Future? 🧪

Just as a musician teases an upcoming album, we’ve got some thrilling projects in the pipeline that we can’t help but give you a sneak peek of.

First off, we got a release for a high-profile partnership with Transfero.

This collaboration aims to spotlight our featured pools, introducing Kassandra Finance to an even wider audience.

The rhythm of innovation never stops here at Kassandra.

A Makeover for Your Investment Experience

Like a musician finding new ways to engage the audience, we’re revamping how you interact with Kassandra.

We’ve kicked off this transformation with a sleek redesign of the pool investment screen. Our aim? To make it easier than ever to understand what each pool offers, thereby boosting conversion rates and getting more of you invested in these fantastic opportunities.

And we’re not stopping there. In the upcoming weeks, expect to see a refreshing makeover of the home screen of the dapp and our institutional pages. These design overhauls aim to make your experience even more intuitive and satisfying.


In this latest act of our ever-unfolding symphony, we’ve introduced a host of new pools, unleashed interface enhancements, and fixed key bugs while keeping our eyes set on a future filled with promise and exciting innovations.

The melody of progress continues to play, and it’s all thanks to your unwavering support and active participation.

So, as Bob Dylan famously sang, “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” and indeed they are — at Kassandra, for the better. Stay tuned for the next movement in our grand composition. We promise it’ll be music to your ears.

About Kassandra

Kassandra is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) asset management platform that simplifies creating and investing in tokenized portfolios. It utilizes Balancer Labs Managed Pools and offers a unique approach compared to other asset management platforms.

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Kassandra Foundation

The decentralized autonomous organization that governs tokenized data-driven investment funds