Kassandra Gazette #17 — The first cycle closes.

Kassandra Foundation
4 min readMay 16, 2023


We reached the first stop, now it’s time to keep going.

This is the end of an era.

Ever since we launched on Avalanche back in January of 2022, it’s been a year and a half of non-stop building.

We went from offering a couple of managed pool indexes on a fork of V1 Balancer to working with them, upgrading Kassandra with Balancer V2, expanding to Polygon, and allowing anyone to create their own managed pools.

For those that don’t know: We were the recipient of a 6-month long Balancer grant.

Thanks to this grant, pHYPE is live, KACY is in Polygon, and managed pool creation is live on Polygon (with Avalanche coming soon!) We’re feverish to announce it is delivered in full.

Let’s catch up.

  • $pHYPE and $KACY on Polygon
  • Managed pool creation
  • What comes next

Run it back.

First and foremost: KACY is live on Polygon. With it, comes new staking opportunities, farms, and rewards for liquidity providers! This gives Polygon users an opportunity to onboard our governance (live only on Avalanche for now) with our easy to use bridge across both chains.

Right now, you can farm KACY-WETH Bal LP or pHYPE. Since governance is only on Avalanche, the traditional single-sided staking pools are only there. If you want to participate in governance, you can buy on Polygon and bridge to Avalanche.

pHYPE, or the Polygon Social Index, launched on this 16th of May, it follows the same logic of Avalanche’s aHYPE: the Polygon Social Index takes the most socially active tokens on Polygon and puts them together in managed pool with yield.

In order of allocation, it’s composed of Matic, LINK, STG, FXS, UNI, AAVE, CRV, GRT, BAL, QUICK, and KACY. You can also stake it for additional KACY :)

It also is the first pool to have overhauled fees, as we’ve done away with the 3% withdraw tax.

The Managed Pool Studio is live as of today! Starting right now, anyone is able to create, set allocations, share their funds, and start earning revenue from manager fees!

You also get to pick your own custom fees, which cannot be changed after the pool is created for safety reasons.

Leverage Balancer V2 tech to create any index of the tokens you want! The sky is the limit! Right now, the feature is only available on Polygon, but we’re coming to Avalanche (and the rest of them!) real soon — stay tuned!

  • Improve the current product
  • Allign us to the vision of turning Kassandra into the most complete asset management possible
  • Diminish liquidity impact
  • Allow pool creation with just one asset instead of having to hold all of them beforehand

This took a massive amount of effort, time, and commitment, and once again, we’re glad you guys are here to see it.

While this may feel like the end game, in a lot of ways it’s just the beginning for us — The easy part is done, now it’s time to make this the best asset management protocol on Avalanche and Polygon first, and everywhere else next!

By the way: Don’t forget to create your first fund and try us out! See you soon!

About Kassandra

Kassandra is an audacious project to delegate money management in a decentralized, efficient, and customizable way, working as a marketplace for tokenized and data-driven investment strategies.

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Kassandra Foundation

The decentralized autonomous organization that governs tokenized data-driven investment funds